Monday, July 19, 2004

VISA second try, success! The most dramatic thing in a while...

The solution is that some of the housing services that we have in our house are registered under my name, so I will use the bills as proofs that I live in Waterloo.
Oh man, what da day...Drove to Toronto again this morning at 7AM, went to the Consulat...saw the SAME senoir lady who turned me down friday....Luckily I didn't get her to process my application when my turn came, and I dont think she saw me.
My application was processing just fine with another clerk...Right after the clerk had glued the VISA onto my passport, the senior lady saw me...and she came over and snatched EVERYTHING from the clerk and asked why he had processed my application... I told her that I had the proof that I lived in Waterloo, then she started to pick on the fact that on the bills it said "Kevin Wang", where as it's "Fei Wang" on my passport... I had to spend another 5 minutes explain to her that I normally go by "Kevin", and I had to show her a letter that Cindy Howe, the exchange coordinator had wrote to me, which had "Kevin Fei Wang" on it... She then took everything in to the back room and said "I had to consult with my superior and decide what we are going to do."
For the 5 minutes that she was in there, I was REALLY pissed...What if she cancels my VISA? then not the whole morning is wasted, I would then really have to go back to Ottawa right before the exams!!
Luckily, she came out and it was ok, the VISA stays...she wasn't happy though...but honestly, the difficulty had made me realize that you just gota be flexible sometimes and find the most quick way to solve a problem.
I must say I was quite lucky, if that senior lady saw me in the first place, she probably wouldn't even let the clerk process my application at all...
Lesson learnt for me...Always put all three names down when signing for for services. Use the most current address when dealing with governments.
Next Thing to get.. "Titre de sejour" in France...more paperwork ahead...


At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome, so now you got your VISA :D

I find having chinese name and english name difficult sometimes too...
I have most things under my chinese name

goodluck w/ Titre de sejour... whatever that means :P and further paperwork



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