Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Going under the knife...

Knifes, cuts, blood and submission. That's what it was about this morning. No, I didn't get attacked. It was the operation on my ear.

So the swell of my ear had subsided quite a bit since last week, and it stopped hurting but it was still not 100%. The swell was soft, seems like there was a collection of liquids. So this morning I went to the hospital to see a specailist, not knowing exactly what will happen.

I had no problem checking into the hospital, got a sheet from the front desk indicating the doctor's name, and the room number. I went into the room, the first thing I see is a operation table. Wow, that was serious, I thought. I had never had an operation before, not even a dental fix.

The doctor was there waiting, with my files in hand. After a quick exam, she confirmed that it was necessary to cut it open and empty out the collection of liquids, otherwise the problem will come back.

She had to put my ear to sleep first. She had to inject the medicine into my ear in order to do that. It was a strange sensation. You first feel the pain of the needle, then afterwards it feels like a trickle of water is going down your ear tunnel, straight into your ear drum. She then asked me if it had hurt as she pushed on it. It felt like she was poking it with a Q-tip, so I told her no (Afterwards she told me she was using a operation knife! boy did the medicine work). She then started her operation. It was funny because it was right in my ear so all I heard was the sound of scratches, like how it sounds when you scratch a piece of paper, but in reality she was slashing the swell open, and squeezing the excessive liquids that are in there. I lied there like a baby, listening to these strange sounds of flow of liquid, clingings of metals, and separations of flesh at literally zero approximity.

I am quite impressed with the speed of the completion. It only took her about 5 mins to clean it up throughly, and afterwards it kept on bleeding but it was just blood coming out so I am sure it was cleared. I will still need to finish the anti biotics, also wash my ear regularly until it heals.

That was something...


At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap! it's that bad?!
I'm glad the operation went well though
now you should heal in no time!


At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all cut up in france eh?



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