Quick update...
Alright, I am still alive.
Thanks for all the encouragements! I am trying to keep myself busy so that I don't think about the past.
However I think sometimes I have this habit of am overbooking myself. Here are some of the things coming up on my calender.
Next week there will be two mid terms on monday, and two job interviews on tuesday in Paris, one interview on Friday. The job opportunity is for the next term here in France.
The two on tuesday:
One company is with a telecom company who makes applications for cell phones, Qualimucho (Sounds like some kinda of nacho chip company to me ) the other one is with a consulting company SCET.
The one on friday:
This is the one that I really wanted with INSERM "Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale". Developping a simulator of epidemic dieases in C.
How I think of it that it will be a great learning experience even if I don't get any of them. In that case I would stay for another term to do the Control course so I don't have to make it up in UW, and take the highest level French course, and may be even Spanish.
Mad prep for the interviews !
Whatelse is new?
I have also signed up with other five french friends to do this management competition "TRUST" set up by "Danone", that's right the yogourt company. It's like OEC but for managements. The objective is to act as the directors of a consulting company and propose a three year plan to Danone to expand its business. The national competition is this Jan 8 2005, and if we make to the international finals this april 2005 in Paris, we will be competing with ppls from all over the world, such as UK, Italy, Spain, China, Mexico etc...Should be exciting.
They still have to do a initial team selection for each school, hope we will get selected!
whoa! a whole lotta activities going on
good luck /w INSERM, interview in English is already hard for me, I can't imagine doing anything in french
TRUST, midterms, interviews, they'll all be very rewarding experience
hope you can manage the time well to get the most out of them!
good luck!
like I said... maybe I should register an account so I don't forget to put my name down
That yogurt competition sounds sweet man. Good luck dude :)
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