Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Almost beats William Hun

This will cheer you up

In case if you dont know the song. It's by O-Zone, a boy band from Romania, and this song was once THE club anthem here in Europe. You hear it everywhere.

I think the guy did a pretty good job, only if he was on american's idol...

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Random Fun

first of all my keyboard is acting crazy lately. When every I press space ,or "i" it continously inserts commas. So my ,sentences ,are ,always ,li,ke, ,this, ,whi,ch ,is, ,really ,annoyin,g ,consi,derin,g ,that ,i ,wi,ll ,need ,to ,keep ,goin,g ,back, ,wards ,to ,remove ,them.

oh ,and ,"enter" ,as ,well

on a ,second ,note , this, random CS ,paper generator ,I, ,found ,i,s ,k,i,nda ,cool ,gi,ve ,it, ,a ,shot! hmm , no more report writings?


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Under Control...

Living on your own forces us to be able to adapte to new and unfamiliar situations.

well, my current situation is that I am living right next to the university and the Control course was being offered this semestre. Some of you may know that I was not able to take the control course last semestre and my plan was to make it up back to Waterloo. No more make ups. I have just worked out with my boss and UTC that I will be taking the course while doing my coop. If I loose too much time during the term, I will work a bit longer in the end.

More work now, less worries later. I like that.

(It seems that I've started to use french words in my english entries without knowing it :) )

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Two weeks afterwards...

That's gota be one of the longest idle streak I've had on my blog.

Let's begin from the top. Vince had the chance of visiting me on his way to Switzerland two weeks ago. Unfortunately his train for Compiegne was delayed for 6 hours on the day of his arrival. I had to go to the station 3 times but only to find out that his train kept on getting delayed, and the third time finally picked him up.

Even though his stay was short but we had a great time.


Next weekend I will be going to Paris for the paris marathon


Unfortunately not participating, but cheering for my three German friends Matin, Konrad and Micheal. I went training with them yesterday and was happy that I was able to keep up with him. To kick this off, there will be a pre-run party next Saturday at Konrad's place. To store up enough energy apparently the marathon organisers suggested that each runner take at least 250g of pasta the day before for carbohydrates. How can we miss this chance to throw a party? The dinner will be a pasta night with every one bringing a different type of pasta source. Richard, any suggestions? Preferablly non greasy and vegeterian.

Pictures will be up soon.