Tuesday, November 23, 2004

"You can explain it in English if you want..."

So I am back from my two interviews in Paris. Interesting day.

The first one was with Qualimucho, a start up company making applications for cell phones. It was in an apartment building, 10 ppls at max.

The director of the company was quite nice to offer me a cup of coffee before we started. Everything was alright, but only for about 15mins. After I started to explain the technical stuff that I did in the past he started to sense that my french was becoming more of "Franglais", he said " You can explain it in English if you want." I was a bit shocked that he was extremely fluent, but right there I was also a bit disappointed to realize that it's true my technical french doesn't really cut the mark. After that he didn't say much. He's the type of interviewer that doesn't show any big emotions at all. Well, from my past experience, it usually doesn't lead to good results.

The second one was with a consulting firm SCET, they do financial, logsitical consultings. The job is to design some web tools for the consultants. The interviewer was a really nice senior consultant, not technical. So we just chatted for about an hour and he told me I was the first one that he interviewed and he will let me know in two weeks.

Well, first, I definitely need work on my French. While my vocab is ok for daily activities and school work, it's definitely lacking quite a bit for the work environment. Second, let's say a fluke happens and I get these jobs, do I really should take them? After all, I think I will learn more French in school taking formal classes...

One shall see...


At 9:53 PM, Blogger Rohit said...


Well, you've already studied in a new country. Making working in a new country could be the next cool experience.


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